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This privacy and security statement tells you how we, MicroSpec Systems Inc., deals with information, personal and otherwise, collected occasionally via our web site and routinely from all of the other customer web sites (the "web registration sites") that we set up and host for our clients.  We are in the business of providing online, offline, onsite and other related data processing and software development services for various conferences, conventions, trade and consumer shows (collectively, "events").  If we make any changes to this policy statement, we will post these changes so that you will always be in a position to know what information we are collecting online, offline and onsite, how we propose to use it, how we are storing it, when and how we destroy it and what choices you may have concerning the information submitted to us by you.   

MicroSpec Systems Inc. has a long history of respecting the privacy of its customers and those individuals utilizing our data processing technology and services via our web registration sites and we are committed to developing policies, procedures and services that address these privacy concerns. 


Terms of use of MicroSpec Systems Inc. website agreement unless otherwise indicated, all information and "content" displayed on this web site is copyright ©2020 by MicroSpec Systems Inc., Vaughan, Ontario, Canada and ©2020 by MicroSpec Registration Services Inc, Land O Lakes, FL. All rights reserved.  



By accessing our web site or using any of its features, you acknowledge that you have read, understand and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.   


Ownership and copyright. 

The "content" provided on this web site is protected by Canadian and worldwide copyright laws and treaties. You acknowledge that any and all information, sound, content, reports, data, databases, graphics, interfaces, web pages, text, files, software, product names, pictures, company names, trade-marks, logos and trade names which appear on this web site (collectively the "content") including the manner in which the content is presented or appears and all information relating to the presentation and the content are the property of their respective owners as indicated, the company or its licensors, as the case may be. Use and restrictions. Except as specifically stated, none of the content on this web site may be copied, reproduced, distributed, republished, downloaded, displayed, posted or transmitted in any form without MicroSpec Systems Inc.'s prior written permission. You also may not, without our permission, "mirror" any material contained on our web site or any other server. Permission is granted for you to make a single copy of documents published by MicroSpec Systems Inc. on our web site solely for informational and non-commercial use within your organization; if you do make such copies, you must keep intact all existing trademark, copyright and other proprietary notices.  Restrictions on use.   

MicroSpec Systems Inc. hereby grants to you a personal, non-transferable and non-exclusive license to access, read and download one copy of the content. You agree, however, that you will not:   

(i) distribute the content for any purpose including without limitation compiling an internal database, redistributing or reproduction of the content by the press or media or through any commercial network, cable or satellite system; or   

(ii) create derivative works of, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, adapt, translate, transmit, arrange, modify, copy, bundle, sell, sub-license, export, merge, transfer, adapt, loan, rent, lease, assign, share, outsource, host, publish, make available to any person or otherwise use, either directly or indirectly, the content in whole or in part, in any form or by any means whatsoever, be they physical, electronic or otherwise. You shall not permit, allow or do anything that would infringe or otherwise prejudice the proprietary rights of the company or its licensors or allow any third-party to access the content. The restrictions set out in this agreement shall not apply to the limited extent these restrictions may be prohibited by applicable law; or  

(iii) create a link to our web site without our written consent.   

No other use of our content is authorized. For materials bearing the copyright notice of a party other than MicroSpec Systems Inc., you are responsible for obtaining the permission of the copyright owner before making any use of such materials. You may not post to or from this web site any illegal, threatening, obscene, pornographic, harassing, defamatory, libelous or scandalous materials, or any other materials that could lead to civil or criminal liability.   


Communicating with MicroSpec Systems Inc. 

Given the security concerns of the Internet, it is not recommended that you send any confidential information or proprietary information to MicroSpec Systems Inc. via our web site or email addresses. MicroSpec Systems Inc. can be contacted at its Toronto office at 260 Edgeley Blvd, Unit 3, Vaughan, ON L4K 3Y4, Phone 888-780-9825, Fax 888-780-0663 or email at 

Any communication or submission made by you to us, whether by email or other more traditional form of communication, becomes the property of MicroSpec Systems Inc. and you grant us the authority and right to use that information subject to our privacy statement by sending us communications, materials or information, you grant to us an unrestricted, irrevocable license to use, reproduce, display, perform, modify, transmit and distribute such material or information and you further agree that MicroSpec Systems Inc. is free to use any ideas, concepts, know-how or techniques that you provide for any purpose. MicroSpec Systems Inc. shall not be subject to any obligations of confidentiality regarding any such information unless specifically agreed by the company in writing or required by law. You represent and warrant that you have the right to grant the license set out above.   


Link and third party products/services. 

Reference to products or services or links other than to the MicroSpec Systems Inc. web site are for information purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation of the other web site(s), its products or services by MicroSpec Systems Inc..  


Change of information. 

Information and content published on this web site is subject to change without notice. MicroSpec Systems Inc. may also make improvements and/or changes in the services, products and/or the programs described in this web site at any time without notice. The terms and conditions contained of this terms of use agreement are subject to change without notice, and you should visit this specific web page periodically to determine if any such changes have been made.   


Compliance with local laws. 

MicroSpec Systems Inc. makes no representation that the information contained in this web site or that access to this web site is appropriate or available for use throughout the world. You are responsible for compliance with all applicable local laws in the jurisdiction from which you access this web site, including but not limited to, all applicable export and import laws and regulations. Any claims relating to our web site shall be governed by the laws of the province of Ontario, Canada, exclusive of its conflict of law provisions.  


Disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability.  

This web site and all content, products, services and software on this web site or made available through this web site are provided "as is" without any representations, warranties, guarantees or conditions, of any kind, whether express or implied, statutory or otherwise, including but not limited to, warranties as to uninterrupted or error free operation, availability, accuracy, completeness, currentness, reliability, timeliness, legality, suitability, privacy, security, merchantability, quality, title, non-infringement or fitness for a particular purpose, or those arising out of a course of dealing or usage of trade. In no event will the company, its affiliates, agents, licensors, suppliers, or their respective directors or employees be liable for any special, indirect, incidental, punitive, exemplary, aggravated, economic or consequential damages, howsoever caused, including but not limited to: damages for loss of use, loss of data, lost profits or lost savings, even if the company or any of its lawful agents or employees have been advised of the possibility of such damages or claim. In no event will the company, its affiliates, agents, licensors, suppliers, or their respective directors or employees, be liable for damages or losses resulting from: viruses, data corruption, failed messages, transmission errors or problems; telecommunications service providers; links to third-party web sites; the internet backbone; personal injury; third-party content, products or services; damages or losses caused by you, or your respective employees, agents or subcontractors; loss of use or lack of availability of facilities including computer resources, routers and stored data; the use or inability to use this web site or the content; any other web site accessed to or from this web site; or events beyond the reasonable control of the company, even if the company or any of its lawful agents, or employees have been advised of the possibility of such damages or claim.  

The company assumes no obligation to update the content on this site. The content on this site may be changed without notice to you. The company is not responsible for any content or information that you may find undesirable or objectionable. The company disclaims any liability for unauthorized use or reproduction of any portion of the web site. Accessing the content from territories where it may be illegal is prohibited.   



Software may be made available for downloading from this web site. You agree that any software which you download is governed by the licensing terms accompanying the software or if no license terms accompany the software, the licensing terms contained in your agreement with MicroSpec Systems Inc. authorizing you access to download such software or the license agreement which accompanied the original product licensed by you which you are updating.   



All product and brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.   


Governing law.  

This agreement is to be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the province of Ontario and the federal laws of Canada applicable therein and not your home jurisdiction and you agree, to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Ontario with respect to all issues relating to the construction, validity, interpretation and enforcement of this terms of use agreement. Any provisions of the international sale of goods act (Ontario) or any convention on contracts for the international sale of goods shall not be applicable to this agreement. 


Privacy Information - Individuals 

This privacy and security statement tells you how we, MicroSpec Systems Inc. deal with information, personal and otherwise, collected occasionally via our sites at,  and routinely from all of the other temporary web sites (the "web registration sites") that we set up and host for our clients.  We are in the business of providing online, offline, onsite and other related data processing and software development services for various conferences, conventions and trade shows (collectively, "events").  If we make any changes to this policy statement, we will post these changes so that you will always be in a position to know what information we are collecting online, offline and onsite, how we propose to use it, how we are storing it, when and how we destroy it and what choices you may have concerning the information submitted to us by you.   

MicroSpec Systems Inc. has a long history of respecting the privacy of its customers and those individuals utilizing our data processing technology and services via the web registration sites and we are committed to developing policies, procedures and services that address these privacy concerns.   

Information collected from the MicroSpec Systems Inc. home web site: MicroSpec Systems Inc. will not collect personal information about you without your permission; however, your consent will be implied should you choose to complete any online informational forms requesting personal information from you that are part of our home web site.  At the time of collection, we will advise you how that information will be used if it is to be used for any purpose other than that for which it is collected.  We will not use that personal information for any other reason than the purpose for which it is collected without your express consent


Information collected on the third-party web registration sites:

MicroSpec Systems Inc. is a leading service provider of data processing services to the event industry.  As a data processor and under the direction and authority of our many and various clients, MicroSpec Systems Inc. may collect personal information about you from these different third-party web registration sites that we host.  Frequently, these web registration sites link directly with our clients' web sites and in fact will often appear to be seamlessly integrated into our clients' web sites even though the web registration site and data processing software is in fact set up and administered by us.  The personal information that is collected on these web registration sites will be used and processed in accordance with the privacy policies of our clients who have authorized and instructed us to set up and operate these various web registration sites on their behalf.  Consequently, we strongly urge you to familiarize yourself with the privacy policies and practices of the client whose web registration site you are accessing in order to properly understand how they might use your personal information before submitting it.  Although we are the data processor of the personal information from these web registration sites, our clients are ultimately responsible for compliance with all privacy and data protection legislation.  We will process the personal information collected from these web registration sites in accordance with the instructions of our clients and from, our standpoint, in terms of our use of the information, in accordance with any relevant privacy and data protection legislation and PIPEDA (*1) If a web registration site is e-commerce enabled, we will share some personal and relevant financial information collected from the site using ssl encryption with our merchant service provider(s) and any other relevant financial service provider in order to process any credit or debit card transaction.


Home Web Site And Web Registration Sites: In order to make our web site and the web registration sites as easy to use as possible, we need to learn a few things about the computer technology that you, our clients and other visitors use when accessing and using these various web sites.   We use software on our host server that provides us with information about all of our visitors as a whole, such as: language preference, screen resolution, colour depth, actual page loading times and browser and platform types. We cannot trace this information back to individual or corporate visitors like you. We only use this general non-identifiable information to improve the design and operation of our web site and web registration sites so as to make your visits more useful and enjoyable. 


Online Security: MicroSpec Systems Inc. takes all reasonably commercial steps to protect the information you submit to us through our web site and through the various web registration sites. Up to date SSL (secure socket layer) encryption technology is used in all the web registration sites to protect any financial information you may submit as part of an eCommerce transaction. 


Off-Line Security: MicroSpec Systems Inc. takes all reasonable commercial steps to secure the personal information that is stored on our web servers or that is archived on CD ROM or other storage media for future use or reference.  Our servers are located in a state of the art secure facilities in both Canada and the US, are monitored continuously, and can only be accessed only by our qualified professionals.  Your personal and other information will be erased from our computer servers when it is no longer needed (i.e. usually shortly after the event that you may have registered for is completed).  Any archived personal information, financial information, or anonymous data will ultimately be destroyed when it is no longer required by law or contractual obligations to be maintained by us. The registration database for events, which contains the personal and other information submitted by individuals via the on-line application and registration forms, is typically provided in digital format to our client for its own use in connection with the event.  If you have any questions about the security or privacy at our web site or any of our web registration sites or in our organization generally, you can send an e-mail to 


Correcting/Updating Personal Information: if any of your personally identifiable information changes (such as your first and last name, e-mail or postal address), or if you no longer want us to keep information about you in our databases or in our clients' databases, please let us know. Send an e-mail to or call us at 888-780-9825 x201. We will make the changes and will tell you when we have made the changes to our digital and/or standard files and databases. 


Privacy policy - Information for clients (EU Customers- See Below)

In Canada pursuant to principle 4.1.3 of PIPEDA and throughout the European union, in the case where personal information of individuals has been transferred or is being collected by a third party corporation such as MicroSpec Systems Inc. on behalf of, or as an "agent" for (to use the terminology of PIPEDA) or "data processor" (to use EU data protection directive terminology), the customers and clients of the data processor nevertheless remain responsible for that personal information. The choice of who is to be your data processor is therefore an important business decision because the consequences of failing to act in compliance with PIPEDA and other international privacy and data protection legislation can be significant (audit and investigation, bad publicity, fines, possible court case, and even criminal sanctions).  


Below is a list of some of the actions MicroSpec Systems Inc. has taken to comply with PIPEDA and to protect its customer's databases and the personal information of individuals accessing our clients' web registration sites: MicroSpec Systems Inc. has taken commercially reasonable measures to protect the security of its customer's databases (which includes the personal information of individuals collected and processed through the web registration sites).  Each web registration site that MicroSpec Systems Inc. hosts for a client that "processes'" financial or credit card information of individuals is developed using the industry standard SSL encryption technology.  Our servers are located at a state of the art secure facilities in Canada and the US and have firewalls. Continually updated antivirus software is installed on the servers as well as on all corporate computers.  Any archived databases on CD or other media are locked up in our secure premises.  Access to any customer databases is strictly on a "need-to-know" basis for all MicroSpec Systems Inc. staff (who have been trained in the principles of privacy protection).


MicroSpec Systems Inc. enters into a written data protection agreement with each client, (whether a direct client or as a subcontractor of a dmc) Our standard form service agreements make it clear that we have no ownership rights in any of the customer data being collected. MicroSpec Systems Inc. maintains historical customer data for each client in order for reporting purposes.  


MicroSpec Systems Inc. limits its use of customer data in all of its standard form agreements to providing the services under the agreement with our customer.  We will never sell or disclose any data including critical personal information to third parties who are not involved in the performance of our services for our clients, unless specifically asked to do so and provided the customer has opted-in electronically to "third-party" services.  Our employees will only access such data in providing our services on a 'need-to-know' basis.  In the case of e-commerce enabled services, however, we will of course, provide elements of data collected for our clients to our merchant service provider and other related financial service providers in order to process the relevant credit/debit card transactions.  


MicroSpec Systems Inc. has appointed a Chief Privacy Officer under PIPEDA and legislations of various countries in the European union to deal proactively with all national and international privacy and data protection issues that arise in the provision of our international online registration and software development services.  Our chief privacy officer can be contacted at or by calling 1-888-780-9825 x215


GDPR Notice


MicroSpec Systems Inc. Data Protection Policy for Residents of the European Union (EU)

We recognize principles and requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) adopted by the European Union. We will, so far as is reasonably practical, comply with the Data Protection Principles contained in the Data Protection Act to ensure all data is:


  • Fairly and lawfully processed

  • Obtained and used for specific and clearly stated purposes

  • Adequate, relevant, and not excessive

  • Accurate and up-to-date

  • Not kept for longer than necessary

  • Processed in accordance with your rights

  • Secure

  • Not transferred to other countries without adequate protection



What is “Personal Information”

The GDPR aims to protect the “personal data” or personal information of individuals within the EU and covers many processing activities, including collection, storage, consultation, transfer, and destruction, of this data. “Personal data” means any and all information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. You can be identified from information such as your name, email address, phone number, home address, driver’s license number, and passport number. You may also be identifiable from information such as an online identifier, IP address, unique device ID or cookie.


Data Collected by Us

Generally, those who wish to attend conventions, conferences, trade shows, or similar events will register for those events online or over the telephone. During the process of that registration, you share with us personal information about yourself which generally includes contact information, demographics pertaining to your trade or profession, and payment information. Alternatively we may collect association membership data directly from the organization to which you belong.


How We Use Your Event Registration Data


  • Email advance notice of and/or invitation to events

  • Send email to confirm your registration

  • Look up and print your physical badge for an event

  • Generate certificates of attendance, credentials, etc. as may be applicable for your event

  • Potentially track attendance to event courses or sessions



How We May Share Your Data


  • Share with event organizer (trade association, etc.).

  • Share with third parties involved in the event process (e.g., hotel booking companies).

  • Potentially share with exhibitors and sponsors at the event through badge scanning onsite at the event. You would physically present your badge for scanning.


Once your data has been shared with a third party, we no longer have direct control over that information, but we require our partners to agree to follow GDPR.


Your Rights

We recognize that all personal information you submit to us belongs to the you, and that we use your data only with your permission. You have the following specific rights:


  • Informed: We will tell you exactly how we use your data in clear, plain language.

  • Consent: We will not store or use your data without your consent. If we get your data from a membership organization or another source, we will ensure through a contract that they are also compliant with GDPR consent regulations.

  • Access and Portability: View and download all personal data we may store.

  • Modification: Request changes or updates to any personal data we store.

  • Erasure: Request that we purge all personal identifying information at any time.



Data Security

Our policy is a compilation of related policies that, when taken together, reflect a comprehensive approach to data security that complies with PCI requirements, SSAE 18 requirements, GDPR regulations, and generally accepted best business practices.

Specific data security measures include:


  • No sensitive personal information (SPI) such as credit card numbers, bank account numbers, passport, and social security numbers, is stored on our servers.

  • We follows generally accepted best practices for secure software development.

  • All data is stored on physically secure hardware.

  • Personal data is secured behind network firewalls and access requires login credentials.

  • All data processed through websites is encrypted in transit.

  • In the unlikely event of a data breach, we have policies in place to notify affected parties.

  • Data security is regularly audited by third parties.



Right of Access

Should you wish to view, modify, or erase your data, you can make that request by sending an email to


*1  PIPEDA -​​







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(888) 780-9825

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